Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Marriage "Aspects To Note"

                                               Prepare thy works without. 
                                        And make it fit for thyself in the field; 
                                 and afterwards build thine house. (Prob 24:27)
-'A good marriage must be created'. There is an interesting aspect worth knowing about marriage, and that is, marriage cannot be emulated. It has to be crafted. The most interesting thing about it is that you can mold your marriage to whatever you want it to become. People who are successful in marriage have made a deliberate step to be successful. 

- The little things are big things in marriage'. This could not be any truer. As you start your marital union, you often find that those things that are most irritating are the so called little things. The things that make you happy most are some of the little compliments that your spouse will make. 

- Marriage is 'Never going to bed angry'. How many people go to bed many nights being angry with each other? In society today, couples go even months while still angry with each other. This does not mean that problems are much tougher today. Contrary to this, it is the sheer unwillingness for both partners to work things out. If you find that you are angry at bed time, seek to make things right; in a humble manner. If it does not work, you have done your part.
{Mama Helen Oritsejafor "Basic Principles for Singles and Married" COMING SOON...}
{Photo: http://www.prepararunaboda.com/media/blogs/bodas/gfgfgfg.jpg}

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